Michel Heller

Psychotherapist Lausanne

Michel Heller

Michel Heller

Dr. Michel Heller,

psychologist & psychotherapist
recognised in Switzerland

Rue des Longs Prés 38, CH-3960 Sierre, Valais

I am slowly but surely retiring since spring 2024, without wanting to stop my activity immediately. I have closed my practice in Lausanne but remain available for pedagogical activities.

  • Presenting practical and theoretical issues in psychology and psychotherapy related to body-mind issues.
  • Individual and group supervision.
  • Individual or group courses on body-mind autoregulation combining breathing, movement, relaxation, grounding, vegetotherapy and jellyfish exercises.
  • Expertise in non-verbal communication.
  • I regularly intervene on these subjects in institutions and training programs.

Online discussions are possible.

Summary on my career :

I began to study psychology in experimental developmental psychology with Jean Piaget’s team in Geneva; and explored complementary practical methods to improve my understanding of how ways of moving and ways of thinking regulate each other in Gerda Boyesen’s school of body psychotherapy. Since then, my carrier combined experimental and clinical approaches.

I gradually became a therapist and trainer in body psychotherapy, while I joined a program that could lead me to an academic doctoral thesis in experimental social psychology on postural dynamics and social status. One of the aims of this study was to highlight issues which could strengthen the need to intensify the dialog between experimental and clinical psychology.

This process led me to direct a research team in the Geneva psychiatric institutions. The project was initiated by André Haynal. He asked us to see if one could detect suicidal risk by analysing the facial behaviour (using Ekman and Friesen’s Facial Action Coding System) during interactions between a suicidal patient and his (her) psychiatrist. Our team found strong correlations between future suicide attempts, the mimics of patients, and those of the therapist. Since then similar results have been observed by other research teams. During this period, I also became an active member of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP).

In 2014 I also worked with the psychosomatic unit of the Noirmont clinic, which was then directed by Duc Lê-Quang. After having supervised this team during several years, I joined the team as one of its psychologist and body psychotherapist. In 2021 I returned in Lausanne to continue my practice of individual psychotherapy.

You can find more detailed information on this website by clicking on Curriculum for a list of my activities, and on Publications if you are interested in what I tend to teach concerning theoretical and practical issues. My two main books have summarised my attempts to strengthen the interaction between academic and clinical psychology, and between scientific and practical forms of knowledge.

My hours are no more covered by the Swiss basic medical insurance system, but sometimes by complementary insurances.

Those who do not have my telephone number or my e-mail, can join me by clicking on Contact.

Affiliations :




Books of Michel Heller

  • Body Psychotherapy

    history, concepts & methods

    New York: W.W. Norton, 2012

    more info + order
  • Flesh of the Soul

    The body we work with

    Bern: Peter Lang, 2001

    more info + order
  • Psychothérapies corporelles

    Fondements et pratiques

    Louvain: DeBoeck, 2008

    more info + order
  • Körperpsychotherapie

    Geschichte - Konzepte - Methoden

    Erschienen im Oktober 2017

    more info + order
  • La Méduse

    ou le monde reichien de Gerda Boyesen

    Les Editions Biodynamiques

    more info order
  • L'organisme intime

    Approches psychocorporelles des troubles fonctionnels


    more info + order
Michel Heller

Michel Heller, Docteur in psychology & sport
Psychologist & Psychotherapist AVP/FSP/EABP

Rue des Longs Prés 38
CH-3960 Sierre, Valais

Languages spoken : English & French

Click on Contact to contact me

painted by Joanna Raphael